So here I am just browsing online like I tend to do, and I see some random post in the LA Times about how Ikea will be making bookshelves with the intent to hold anything BUT books.
The article went on to say how Ikea thinks that paper books will be pretty much gone in the not-so-distant future.
Does anyone else feel like that no matter how hard we try, paper books, PHYSICAL books that you can hold in your hand won't and shouldn't go away?
I mean I'm all for the digital era, I love it, I'm a total fan of technology, most of the time I'm completely immersed in it, but am i the only one who thinks that too much technology is a bad thing?
I guess you could say I'm a bit paranoid, but if everything, and i mean everything goes digital, isn't that a bad thing?
Power outages would kill people, I'm sure libraries would go just about dead.
What's wrong with buying a book?
How can buying a digital copy totally overcome a tangible book in your hand?
physical books are awesome!
It has tons of cool features:
-Lets you share with as many friends as you have
-requires no batteries or charging of any kind
-lets you take notes in it
-Just bend a page corner and you have the page you were on bookmarked
-You don't have to update it
-Usually pretty portable
-People think you look smart if you're reading them in public for fun
-They make good coasters
So i know i went on a bit of a tangent, but it really bothers me that people believe, and want books in physical form to go away, soon enough the way we chronicle things will go digital too, then the day some guy decides an EMP would be cool, there goes everything(that's a little extreme but i stand by what i say).
I just think that having a fine line between what should and shouldn't go completely digital should be drawn, you know?
Ikea bookcase thing
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