Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stewe Jobs done?

Steve Jobs resigned today as CEO of Apple.

Although I am not an Apple fan i do know and will acknowledge that this is BIG

In his letter, he states that he is no longer able to do his duties, and recommends Tim Cook, although he would like to stay as chairmen of the board, hopefully he can still do THOSE duties right?...

You can see the full press release at Engadget

How this will turn out for Apple in the long run I'm not sure, i think though for a bit Apple stock may drop faster than a lead balloon, since there is major uncertainty,
again, i might not be an Apple fan, but i will say this, if it weren't for Steve who knows where the Halo franchise may be so thanks Steve...for Halo....

Tech Blog?

So, originally i had no clue what i was going to do with this account, i only started it to write posts for my CC's paper....but i never did that (yeah i know i guess that isn't really helping now is it?). But throughout the day i have so many internal rants going on about media and all things tech that i figure this would be a good medium to have it expressed, whether or not people actually read it is another story.

So for the person out there reading (which is probably just me), stay tuned for my rants?
